Ok so most of you have heard by now about the woman who returned her adopted son to Russia. If not, here's a link to just one of the many news stories http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/10/world/europe/10russia.html?pagewanted=1
I had a friend send me one of the stories on wednesday after she read my blog about sending out our application. Now she did say she only thought of it because she read the article right before reading my blog. I appreciate her looking out for me. Thankfully, we've already been warned. A friend here in MO that has adopted three children already directed me to this blog/website http://www.thereisnomewithoutyou.com/blog?op=view&id=4 It's the story and advice of a woman that has adopted four children from Ethiopia and one from Bulgaria...after having four biological kids! I think I mentioned her in my first blog. I truly take her words to heart. I know it won't be easy BUT it will be worth it.
Too often people see adoption as all rainbows and butterflies, that as soon as you get that child out of the bad environment they were in as orphans that they will be so grateful, life will just be perfect. Seriously? No really, seriously? Do you know anyone that has had a bad experience in their past that even though they are out of the situation now, it doesn't have an affect on them? Think about people that were abused or had parents that were alcoholics. While they may not have an aggressive behavior now, that doesn't mean that those instances didn't affect how they live their life now. My question to Torry Hanson is, did you even try to get help? Nowhere that I have read said that they tried to get him help through a counselor or anything. This little seven year old boy was basically institutionalized after being removed from his home with an alcoholic mother that wasn't fit to take care of him. Now he's being sent to the other side of the world to a country he doesn't know, a language he doesn't understand to live with a woman he's never met. That would bring anger out of anybody!
She's not the only case though, there are many people that have had issues bringing home their adopted child and that child did not love them and they did not love that child. Does that mean that it never got better? For some it did not, but for most, absolutely. I think that unless you adopt an infant, you're going to have problems. (and even then you probably will!)
Honestly, I don't know how anybody can have a successful adoption of an older child without God. I don't know how anybody can even live day to day life without God but that's another blog! Without constant prayer before, during and after the adoption, how can anybody do anything?! Do I think we won't have problems when we bring home one or two children that have lost one or both of their parents to disease, starvation or poverty? Of course not. But I know, I know, I know, that God is always there with us, guiding us through any hardships we may have. To quote an amazing hymn "Oh what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bare, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer".
So for those of you that may have gotten concerned about us through this story coming out, don't worry, pray. Pray for all of the people who are adopting orphans. Pray for the orphans. God tells us throughout His book to look after the orphans. Adoption is merely ONE of the ways that can be accomplished. Child sponsorship is a fantastic thing, if you don't already sponsor a child, you should seriously consider it. Well I think I'll get down from my soap box, for now at least. We're not worried in the slightest that we'll end up like Torry Hansen but it's because we're preparing ourselves, spiritually, mentally and physically....and by doing LOTS of research! Have a great weekend!
Wonderful Jessie-CAA... just wonderful. This is a beautifully written blog and I love you. I can't wait for you to have kids! You are gonna be such a wonderful Mother. I just love you. ;)