Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Application sent to Holt!!

Well we sent off our application today!!  We'll be tight on money for the rest of the month but I think we can do it.  The biggest problem will be groceries.  We've been buying fresh, good for you food lately and well, that's more expensive.  We've both lost weight already though!  We're very excited to finally be official!  So far it's been, "we're adopting but we haven't sent in our application yet", I've hated that.  We may have to fight off a deployment to make this work but by golly I'm not giving up!  I REFUSE to stop the whole process just because there are deployment orders for Chris' unit.  There have been orders before and they've gotten canceled.  And like I said, he may even be able to switch jobs before they deploy and not have to go with them!!  He has a lot of options right now and we're optimistic.  Well I have a kitchen table under a pile of crap that I need to clean up but I just wanted to share the news.  :D


  1. I am so excited for you guys. God's plan will work out with Chris and work and everything! So don't worry! Love you!

  2. Thanks Amy Lou :D I love you too!!!!!
